Periodically I'll end up in some adventure or other, ranging from a memorable camping trip to taking flight from a 3000 foot mountain for the first time. Here are the pictures to prove it!


OcTOWber When your kite is this big, you need a truck to run with the string.
Mount Robson Hiking at Mount Robson
Sailing Sailing on the Glenmore
Broken Islands Kayaking the Broken Group Islands
Spain 2007 Two Weeks in Spain
Winter 2006 Winter in the Rockies.
Europe 2005 A conference in Spain, followed by four weeks of travel in Europe.
Houseboating on the Shushwap Four days floating around Shushwap Lake, BC
Golden High Flight Course Hang gliding high flight course at Golden, BC, July 2004.
Conferences, June 2004 Apple's World Wide Developer's Conference, San Francisco, California, June 2004 and METMBS, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2004.